Security & Privacy

Your information, and that of your clients, is safe with SeeWriteHear. Our Security Policy ensures that all SeeWriteHear employees and temporary users securely operate all hardware and software.

All unsupervised access to Personally Identifying Information (PII) will be contingent on meeting the standards listed in this policy. All personnel including contractors, guests, visitors, or other temporary users who require access to PII must meet certain minimum requirements before being granted an IS/IT user account for accessing PII. These requirements include positive identification and a background check.  

The Security Compliance Officer (SCO) working with each manager will determine the extent of access to PII required for each employee to successfully carryout their work responsibilities. Access will be granted through a role-based process according to the Access Control Policy and Procedures. During their tenure, personnel may be reassigned, and other access rights given. At all times it is the policy of SWH that personnel have access to PII only to the extent required to do their job. The use of PII beyond the extent required for legitimate execution of responsibilities, attempting to obtain and/or obtaining access to PII without proper permission is forbidden, and may result in sanctions as prescribed by the SWH Security Violations and Sanction Policy and Procedures. Where all other requirements are met, and a prospective user is awaiting the results of a background check, the user may access PII under the direct supervision of another user.  

Upon termination of employment or contracts, personnel will have access to PII revoked immediately, and all PII in their possession must be returned. Any attempt to use or gain access to PII after termination will be subject to civil or criminal prosecution.