§36. Modes of Punctuation: Since
numerals are represented by symbols in the lower part of the cell, and since
these symbols also serve as punctuation marks, it is necessary to formulate
rules concerning punctuation so that the meanings of such symbols are
unambiguous. This Code employs two modes of punctuation--mathematical and
§37. Use of the Punctuation Indicator: Subject
to the provisions of §38,
the punctuation indicator must be used before
a punctuation mark and after any
symbol of the type listed below. In all these circumstances, the mode of
punctuation is considered to be mathematical.
After any braille indicator.
?1/2#, ?3/4#_4
verbose semantics
one-half comma three-fourths period
(bar over "velocity")
verbose semantics
ModifyingAbove velocitywith bar
ii. After any
numeric symbol written as in the Nemeth Code.
verbose semantics
0 period
verbose semantics
left-quote 49 right-quote
iii. After a
Roman numeral.
;,i, ,,ii, ,,iii_4
verbose semantics
Upper I comma UpperWord I I comma UpperWord I I I period
iv. After a dash
or ellipsis, when these occur in a mathematical context. When the nature of the
context is in doubt, the punctuation indicator must be used.
#24 .k #6+ ----_4
verbose semantics
24 equals 6 plus large-dash period
#1, #3, '''_4
verbose semantics
1 comma 3 comma ellipsis period
v. After any
reference symbol.
note @#_4
verbose semantics
note asterisk period
vi. After the
general omission symbol.
#5@*3 .k =_4
verbose semantics
5 times 3 equals question-mark period
vii. After a
"single letter."
;a, ;b, ;c_4
verbose semantics
a comma b comma c period
viii. After a
sequence of more than one letter in which each letter has a separate identity,
provided that such a sequence is not an abbreviation.
$t ,a,b,c_4
verbose semantics
triangle Upper A Upper B Upper C period
ix. After
ordinal, plural, or possessive endings which are joined to numerals, letters,
or other mathematical expressions.
#1st, #2nd, #3rd, #4th_4
verbose semantics
1st comma 2nd comma 3rd comma 4th period
;,x_'s, ;,y_'s, & ;,z_'s_4
verbose semantics
Upper X apostrophe s comma Upper Y apostrophe s comma and Upper Z apostrophe s period
x. After any word
or abbreviation which is not on the base line, if the punctuation which follows
is on the base line.
verbose semantics
13Subscript s e v e n Baseline period
xi. After any
modified expression.
verbose semantics
x over-bar period
xii. After the
radical symbol.
8>_0 m1ns 8sqa>e root40
verbose semantics
quote StartRoot EndRoot quote means quote squareroot period quote
xiii. After any
symbol of shape or shape modification, operation, or comparison.
8$4+$c .k $t_0
verbose semantics
quote square plus circle equals triangle quote
,! 8+_0 is us$ = a4i;n4
verbose semantics
The quote plus quote isusedforaddition period
,r1l numb]s may 2 -p>$ by 8"k_0,
8.k_0, or 8.1_04
verbose semantics
Realnumbersmaybecomparedby quote less-than quote comma quote equals quote comma or quote greater-than quote period
xiv. After any
symbol of grouping whether brailled or drawn in.
verbose semantics
left-parenthesis quote 8 quote right-parenthesis
verbose semantics
left-parenthesis LCD right-parenthesis period
xv. After any
abbreviated function name or unabbreviated function name, provided that the
latter occurs in a mathematical context.
8sin_0 & 8cos_0 >e circul>
verbose semantics
quote sin quote and quote cos quote arecircularfunctions period
xvi. After any of
the miscellaneous symbols of Rule XXII.
verbose semantics
100 percent period
xvii. After a
comma, hyphen, or dash, provided that if these were removed and the space which
they occupy were not present, one of the conditions i-xvi would apply.
§38. Non-Use of the Punctuation Indicator:
It must not be assumed that because a punctuation mark occurs that the
punctuation indicator must be used. The punctuation indicator must not be used
under any of the circumstances listed below. In all these circumstances, the
mode of punctuation is considered to be literary.
i. At
the beginning of a braille line or after a space.
8#24 is a two-digit num]al40
verbose semantics
left-quote 24isatwo hyphen digitnumeral period right-quote
verbose semantics
apostrophe 49
ii. After any
numeric symbol written as in English Braille.
,copy"r #aigj4
(item on a title page)
verbose semantics
Copyright1970 period
iii. After a dash
or ellipsis, when these occur in a literary context.
1 hyphen comma 2 hyphen comma and3 hyphen dimensionalspaces period
,"o-1 two-1 ?ree-dim5.nal
verbose semantics
One hyphen comma two hyphen comma three hyphen dimensionalspaces period
verbose semantics
65 hyphen 75
,use only #0_'s & #1_'s--use !
b9>y sy/em4
verbose semantics
Useonly0 apostrophe sand1 apostrophe s hyphen usethebinarysystem period
vii. Before any
except the first punctuation mark in a sequence of punctuation marks which
requires the use of the punctuation indicator.
(2) 0."
verbose semantics
Probability hyphen left-quote 0 right-quote period
§39. Plural and Possessive Endings: The
apostrophe-s combination may be joined to numerals, letters, and other
mathematical expressions to form their plurals or possessives. When, in ink
print, the apostrophe has been omitted, it likewise must be omitted in the
transcription. The choice between the singular and plural form of a word is
sometimes shown by enclosing an "s" within parentheses.
verbose semantics
0 apostrophe s period
;,a_'s, ;,b_'s, & ;,c_'s_4
verbose semantics
Upper A apostrophe s comma Upper B apostrophe s comma and Upper C apostrophe s period
#1s, #2s, & #3s_4
verbose semantics
1s comma 2s comma and3s period
(the plural of x with a superscribed tilde)
verbose semantics
x over-tilde apostrophe s
(the plural of x with a superscribed horizontal bar)
verbose semantics
x over-bar apostrophe s
$[s #1 & #2
verbose semantics
angle enclosing s 1and2
$ts ,a,b,c & ,d,e,f
verbose semantics
triangle enclosing s Upper A Upper B Upper C and Upper D Upper E Upper F
(the plural of x squared)
verbose semantics
x squared apostrophe s
(the plural of c sub i)
verbose semantics
c Subscript i Baseline apostrophe s
,! c1_'s, c2_'s, ''', c;n_'s_4
(the plurals of c sub 1, c sub 2, . . . , c sub n)
verbose semantics
Thec 1 apostrophe s comma c 2 apostrophe s comma ellipsis comma c Subscript n Baseline apostrophe s
verbose semantics
principle left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis
§40. Colon: It must not be assumed that
the colon must be followed by a space as is generally the case in English
verbose semantics
3 colon 30
;f_3(x, y)
verbose semantics
f colon left-parenthesis x comma y right-parenthesis
§41. Comma:
When a comma is used as a mark of punctuation in a situation in which the mode
of punctuation is mathematical, the comma is referred to as the mathematical comma. Otherwise, the
literary comma must be used.
#1, #3, #5, & #7_4
verbose semantics
1 comma 3 comma 5 comma and7 period
8;x, ;y_0
verbose semantics
left-quote x comma y right-quote
verbose semantics
left-quote 3 right-quote comma
#4-, #5-, & #6-sid$ polygons4
(no space after comma in ink print; in braille, space
required after comma used as a punctuation mark)
verbose semantics
4 hyphen comma 5 hyphen comma and6 hyphen sidedpolygons period
§42. Dash (Long): The long dash must be
preceded and followed by a space. However, no space may be left between the
long dash and any of the items listed below, provided these items apply to the
long dash.
Symbols of punctuation other than the hyphen.
ii. Braille
iii. Symbols of
iv. The symbols for
decimal, dollars, cents, percent, pounds (sterling), and primes.
,! opposite ( ---- is
verbose semantics
Theoppositeof large-dash ismultiplication period
#5- ---- .k #3
(the minus is not one of the listed items)
verbose semantics
5 minus large-dash equals 3
,! opposite ( a4i;n is ----4
verbose semantics
Theoppositeofadditionis large-dash period
?---- /15# .k ?2/3#
(the opening fraction indicator applies to the dash;
the fraction line is not one of the listed items)
verbose semantics
StartFraction large-dash Over 15EndFraction equals two-thirds
(----, 4, 6, 8, ----)
(the opening and closing grouping symbols apply to
their respective dashes)
A3 hyphen ounceanda5 hyphen ounceweightcanbereplacedbya large-dash hyphen ounceweight period
#4@0 .k ."----
(the decimal point applies to the dash)
verbose semantics
4percent equals period large-dash
#12' .k ----''
(the double prime applies to the dash)
verbose semantics
12 prime equals large-dash double-prime
§43. Ellipsis:
Any dot or series of dots in print which represent an omitted term, entry, or
line is an ellipsis. It must be represented in braille by a minimum of three
#1, #3, #5, ''', #15_4
verbose semantics
1 comma 3 comma 5 comma ellipsis comma 15 period
,m>y1 ,s,y1 '''4
verbose semantics
Mary comma Sally comma ellipsis period
;a, ar, ar^2, '''_4
verbose semantics
a comma a r comma a r squared comma ellipsis period
12 cent-sign plus 14 cent-sign equals ellipsis cent-sign
§44. Exclamation Point: The exclamation
point is represented by the same sign of ink print as the factorial sign. The
context is usually sufficiently clear in regard to this distinction so that the
possibility of doubt in choosing the proper symbol is small.
§45. Hyphen: The hyphen is represented
by the same sign of ink print as the minus sign. Since the corresponding
braille symbols also coincide, a minimum of decision-making in this regard is
required of the transcriber. A space must be left between a hyphen and an
adjacent dash.