§55. Non-Use of Contractions and Short-Form
Contractions and short-form words must not be used in a word, part of word, or
abbreviation when it is in direct contact with any item listed below. They must
also not be used before or after the space which immediately precedes or
follows a sign of comparison. In the case where transition to another braille
line has been made, contractions must not be used if they could not have been
used without the transition. In the case of an expression containing a hyphen
or dash, only that portion between the hyphen or dash and the item with which
direct contact is made subject to this rule.
i. Any
braille indicator other than capitalization indicators or the italic sign of
English Braille.
ix. Any
comparison symbol, even though there is a space between it and the word, part
word, or abbreviation.
#1 hour .k #60 m9utes
verbose semantics
1hour equals 60minutes
,let #3x .k the l>g] numb]
verbose semantics
Let3x equals thelargernumber
seven+three .k ten
verbose semantics
seven plus three equals ten
,copy & replace $4 by .k or
/.k to make a true s5t;e4
verbose semantics
Copyandreplace square by equals or not-equals tomakeatruesentence period
,x is a funda;tal pr9ciple that
.k_'s a4$ to .k_'s are .k_4
verbose semantics
Itisafundamentalprinciplethat equals apostrophe saddedto equals apostrophe sare equals period
b. Contractions
must not be used in abbreviated function names in any context. In addition,
contractions must not be used in unabbreviated function names which appear in a
mathematical context. In particular, the word "arc" must not be
contracted when immediately preceded or followed by mathematical symbols,
whether space or unspaced.
sin x
verbose semantics
cosh x
verbose semantics
sine x+sine y
verbose semantics
sinex plus siney
cos (arc ,tan x+?.p/3#)
verbose semantics
cosine left-parenthesis arcTanx plus StartFraction pi Over 3EndFraction right-parenthesis
#2arcsin x
verbose semantics
,arc ,sine x
verbose semantics
,arc ,a,c,b is a major arc
verbose semantics
Arc Upper A Upper C Upper B isamajorarc period
c. The
contractions for to, into, and by must not be used before any of the
items listed below. When the contraction for into may not be used, the contraction for "in" may
nevertheless be used in "into" unless otherwise prohibited.
i. Before
any of the items in a above.
,f ;a to ;z_4
(contraction not used according to a(i))
verbose semantics
Froma toz period
,f ?1/4# to ?1/2#_4
(contraction not used according to a(i))
verbose semantics
Fromone-fourth toone-half period
,decompose $r ,a,b,c,d
9to $ts ,a,b,c & ,d,b,c_4
(contraction not used according to a(i))
verbose semantics
Decompose rectangle Upper A Upper B Upper C Upper D intotriangles Upper A Upper B Upper C and Upper D Upper B Upper C period
vii. Before a
sequence of more than one letter in which each letter has a separate identity.
,a,b is p>allel to ,c,d
verbose semantics
Upper A Upper B isparallelto Upper C Upper D
viii. Before any
word, part word, or abbreviation in situations in which contractions are not
permitted according to the other rules of this section.
p :o g by car+people :o g 0tra9
verbose semantics
peoplewhogobycar plus peoplewhogobytrain
! numb] ( p :o travel by car
+the numb] ( p :o g 0tra9
("by" cannot be contracted before "car"
because the ar contraction in
"car" cannot be used)
verbose semantics
thenumberofpeoplewhotravelbycar plus thenumberofpeoplewhogobytrain
,! >ea is divid$ 9to in^2_4
verbose semantics
Theareaisdividedintoinches squared period
ix. Before any
modified expression.
,! *ange f x: to y:_4
verbose semantics
Thechangefromx Overscript bar EndScripts toy Overscript bar EndScripts period
x. Before any
abbreviated function name or unabbreviated function name, provided that the
latter occurs in a mathematical context.
;y is propor;nal to log x_4
verbose semantics
y isproportionaltologx period
xi. Before any
grouping symbol.
,f (1) to (5)_4
verbose semantics
From left-parenthesis 1 right-parenthesis to left-parenthesis 5 right-parenthesis period
xii. Before any
of the miscellaneous symbols of Rule XXII.
,*ange to @0_4
verbose semantics
Changeto percent period
,*ange ! m"oy 9to @s10 bills4
verbose semantics
Changethemoneyinto dollar-sign 10bills period
d. The st and th contractions must not be used for ordinal endings when these are
attached to numerals, letters, or other mathematical expressions. If an ordinal
ending is composed of only one letter, follow the ink print.
#1st, #2nd, #3rd, #4th_4
verbose semantics
1st comma 2nd comma 3rd comma 4th period
;ith, ;jth, ;kth, ''', (n-1)th_4
verbose semantics
i th comma j th comma k th comma period period period comma left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis th period
verbose semantics
2n th
#1st & #2d_4
verbose semantics
1stand2d period
e. The one-cell
whole word alphabet contractions for but,
can, . . . , you, as and the one-cell lower-sign whole-word contractions
for be, enough, were, his, in, was, whether
capitalized, italicized, or neither, must not be used when these words are in
direct contact with any grouping symbol. The contractions, whole-word or
part-word, for and, for, of, the, with, whether
capitalized, italicized, or bold and any contraction of the types mentioned
above, the rule still applies. When this rule precludes the use of a
contraction in one part of a word, no part of the word may be contracted.
(and1 9 a4i;n)
verbose semantics
left-parenthesis and comma inaddition right-parenthesis
(that is)
verbose semantics
left-parenthesis thatis right-parenthesis
verbose semantics
left-parenthesis not hyphen p right-parenthesis
,! ;x (in ! example abv)
repres5ts an 9teg]4
verbose semantics
Thex left-parenthesis intheexampleabove right-parenthesis representsaninteger period
f. Contractions
must be used when they are likely to be mistaken for mathematical expressions.
,use the ! 6f9d ! volume4
verbose semantics
Usethe Integral tofindthevolume period
,can ,c .k #100_8
verbose semantics
Can Upper C equals 100 question-mark
a .k b, but b /.k c_4
verbose semantics
a equals b comma butb not-equals c period
,we see that c .k d_4
verbose semantics
Weseethatc equals d period
,let .this 2 an angle 9 /&>d
("this is spelled out because in immediately
surrounding text in ink print the Greek letter "theta" (θ) also appeared)
verbose semantics
LetItalic thisbeanangleinstandardposition period
§56. Use of Contractions and Short-Form
Words: Subject to the conditions of §55, the use of contractions and short-form words of English Braille
must be used.
#1 li<t-ye>
verbose semantics
verbose semantics
not hyphen p
verbose semantics
x hyphen intercept
un>y1 b9>y1 '''1 ;m->y4
verbose semantics
unary comma binary comma period period period comma m hyphen ary period
?1/2#-(f sale
verbose semantics
one-half hyphen offsale
verbose semantics
9 hyphen inch
verbose semantics
hydrogen hyphen 3
verbose semantics
360 degree-sign hyphen interval
(the omission symbol replaces a question mark in ink