Nemeth Code Rules

MathSpeak™ Settings Tutorial

MathSpeak™ Settings Tutorial

Available Settings

MathSpeak currently has 4 defined variables that determine how mathematical expression will be rendered. They are:

  1. Verbosity
  2. Semantic Interpretation
  3. Explicivity
  4. Language



  • "Verbose" - Purpose: easy introduction to MathSpeak™.
  • "Brief" - Purpose: quicker / less cumbersome.
  • "Superbrief" - Purpose: quicker / less cumbersome to extent that there is possible information loss.
the fraction x over y

verbose semantics
StartFraction x Over y EndFraction
brief semantics
StartFrac x Over y EndFrac
superbrief semantics
Frac x Over y EndFrac
a matrix

verbose semantics
Start3By3Matrix 1st Row 1 0 0 2nd Row 2 1 0 3rd Row 3 2 1 EndMatrix
brief semantics
Start3By3Matrix 1st Row 1 0 0 2nd Row 2 1 0 3rd Row 3 2 1 EndMatrix
superbrief semantics
3By3Matrix 1st Row 1 0 0 2nd Row 2 1 0 3rd Row 3 2 1 EndMatrix
the point x,y in parentheses

verbose semantics
left-parenthesis x comma y right-parenthesis
brief semantics
l-par x comma y r-par
superbrief semantics
l-par x comma y r-par

Semantic Interpretation


  • "Off" - Purpose: to provide the listener with the same information that is available visually. More useful for Braille transcription.
  • "Medium" - Purpose: to sound more like what would be naturally spoken when it is shorter to do so.
  • "High" - Purpose: to sound like what is naturally spoken whenever possible.
a matrix

Start3By3MatrixEnclosedByBrackets 1st Row 1st Column 1 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 2nd Row 1st Column 2 2nd Column 1 3rd Column 0 3rd Row 1st Column 3 2nd Column 2 3rd Column 1 EndMatrix
verbose semantics
Start3By3Matrix 1st Row 1 0 0 2nd Row 2 1 0 3rd Row 3 2 1 EndMatrix
verbose semantics high
The3By3Matrix 1st Row 1 0 0 2nd Row 2 1 0 3rd Row 3 2 1 EndMatrix
the expression 4 and three-fifths equals the fraction 23 over 5

4 StartFraction 3 Over 5 EndFraction equals StartFraction 2 3 Over 5 EndFraction
verbose semantics
4 and three-fifths equals StartFraction 23 Over 5 EndFraction
verbose semantics high
4 and three-fifths equals TheFraction 23 Over 5 EndFraction
the set of Fibonacci numbers

left-brace 1 comma 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma 5 comma 8 comma ellipsis right-brace
verbose semantics
StartSet 1 comma 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma 5 comma 8 comma ellipsis EndSet
verbose semantics high
TheSet 1 comma 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma 5 comma 8 comma ellipsis EndSet
the equation 2 raised to the power of 9 equals 2 raised to the power of 4 times 2 raised to the power of 3 times 2 raised to the power of 2

2 Superscript 9 Baseline equals 2 Superscript 4 Baseline cross 2 Superscript 3 Baseline cross 2 Superscript 2
verbose semantics
2 Superscript 9 Baseline equals 2 Superscript 4 Baseline times 2 cubed times 2 squared
verbose semantics high
2 to the power of 9 equals 2 to the power of 4 times 2 cubed times 2 squared
the variable upper T with the subscript of n-1 end subscript equals x raised to the power of y

Upper T Subscript n minus 1 Baseline equals x Superscript y
verbose semantics
Upper T Subscript n minus 1 Baseline equals x Superscript y
verbose semantics high
Upper T with subscript the quantity n minus 1 end subscript equals x to the power of y
the function sine squared applied to x

s i n Superscript 2 Baseline space x
verbose semantics
sine squared x
verbose semantics high
sine squared x



  • "Off" - Purpose: not to overburden the listener with information, the user may have to use the context for disambiguation some rare cases.
  • "Medium" - Purpose: to make it so the listener does not have to use the context to disambiguate (at least no more than the visual reader).
  • "High" - Purpose: ignore rules that the listener may not know, such as implied numeric subscripts.
x subscript 2

verbose semantics
x 2
verbose explicit semantics
Notational x 2
verbose explicit high semantics
Notational x Subscript 2
a notational phrase saying how to speak the fraction x over y in MathSpeak, with the first mention of a fraction is an actual fraction

verbose semantics
The fraction StartFraction x Over y EndFraction is stated as double-quote start fraction x over y end fraction period double-quote
verbose explicit semantics
The fraction Notational StartFraction x Over y EndFraction Narrative is stated as double-quote start fraction x over y end fraction period double-quote
verbose explicit high semantics
The fraction Notational StartFraction x Over y EndFraction Narrative is stated as double-quote start fraction x over y end fraction period double-quote



  • English - lexicon is in English.
  • (In future) Spanish
the equation 5 plus 7 equals 22

verbose semantics
5 plus 17 equals 22
Español verbose semantics
5 más 17 iguales 22
the equation with the word rate equals the fraction with the word distance in the numerator and the word time in the denominator

verbose semantics
rate equals StartFraction distance Over time EndFraction
Español verbose semantics
rate iguales comience la fracción distance encima time fracción final

For most fractions, the beginning is indicated with "start fraction", the horizontal line is indicated with "over", and the end of the fraction is indicated by "end fraction". For the semantic interpretation, most numeric fractions are spoken as they are in natural speech. Also if a number is followed by a numeric fraction, the word "and" is spoken in between.