Images & Alternative Text

SeeWriteHear excels at clear, accurate, and concise descriptions of images, diagrams, and other visual informational content vital for full accessibility of websites, textbooks, and documents.
Image description for accessibility (known as “alt-text”) requires expert writers; especially for STEM, healthcare, or legal content. Even slight errors in critical content can destroy a document’s value and open an organization to complaints or lawsuits. Choosing the right solution can make the difference between “a picture of a circle” and “a diagram describing the calculation of pi.”
SeeWriteHear’s in-house writing team produces precise, succinct, and educationally relevant image descriptions for a range of high-stakes materials, including standardized tests, college textbooks, and technical manuals. Robust QC processes incorporate user testing, as well as reviews by subject matter experts, ensuring that the intent and meaning of your visual content remains intact, regardless of the user.
Trust SeeWriteHear as you partner in accessibility for complex, high-stakes content. Contact us for more information, or a quote on your Alternative Text needs.

Context makes the difference in this example. In a section of an art history book that introduces the concept of using recycled materials to produce art, a more detailed description is needed.
Short Description
A map of United States made of license plates.
Long Description
A photograph of a map of the United States made out of recycled license plates. This map illustrates each state with license plate cutouts from the respective state. Large states such as Texas and California are made of one or more colorful metal license plates, while smaller New England states are represented by just a few inches of their license plates.