Accessible Digital Publishing

SeeWriteHear has developed an Accessible HTML5 e-Book Publishing Template (APT) that provides accessible options for e-books. Our APT handles HTML 5 rendered output from EPUB source files and includes accessibility features in the template.
The SeeWriteHear APT will accept content output from your workflow and automatically render the content in a browser in real-time. The APT includes built-in accessibility features, as well as compatibility with a whitelist of third-party assistive technologies. The APT is also compatible with W3C specifications and WCAG accessibility guidelines.
The APT is based on a precise set of accessible design principles.
- A blind person using the keyboard and a screen reader must have an equivalent experience to that of a sighted person.
- People with low motor abilities are supported by keyboard navigation because all alternative input devices, for example a head mouse, emulate a keyboard.
- People with hearing impairments are supported by captions, audio scripts, and in rare cases by an HTML equivalent.
Specific features of the SeeWriteHear Accessible HTML5 e-Book Publishing Template include:
- Keyboard navigation, screen reader access, and alternative text including:
- Keyboard functionality
- Specific key functions
- Navigation structure
- Content hierarchy
- Various supported screen readers
- Text equivalents for art, photo, audio, and video providing:
- Art and photo support – vision impaired
- Audio support – hearing impaired
- Video support – vision impaired
- Video support – hearing impaired
- Machine-readable Math expressions
- Math expressions must be presented in a machine-readable format
- A blind person using VoiceOver will have an equivalent experience
- The iPad with VoiceOver active uses a gesture-based interface.
- Gestures must be supported when VoiceOver is on.
Below are links to examples of SeeWriteHear Accessible HTML5 e-Book Publishing Template (APT).
Let SeeWriteHear be your accessibility partner for digital publishing. Contact us today to learn more.