508 Compliance

In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act and reauthorized Section 508 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities.
The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Under Section 508 (29 U.S.C. ‘ 794d), agencies must give employees and members of the public with disabilities access to information that is comparable to the access available to others.
Does my company need to be Section 508 compliant?
Section 508 is a law that requires federal agencies to provide access to electronic and information technology. Section 508 also applies to programs funded by the federal government and administered by states, such as Medicaid and CHIP. Contractors selling electronic and information technology (EIT) to the federal government, or for use in federally funded programs, must design and manufacture products, or provide services, that meet the provisions of Section 508.
With SeeWriteHear accessibility services and solutions, government agencies, as well as companies that supply to those government agencies, can successfully comply with Section 508, and enable people with disabilities to gain access to electronic and information technology quickly and easily.
Through proprietary tools and software, SeeWriteHear has created a streamlined process that allows for high volumes of material to be converted into alternative formats. In addition, SeeWriteHear has the technical expertise and ability to evaluate and convert electronic media, websites, SAS systems, and other more difficult interface challenges into fully compliant accessible structures. Given our breadth and depth in accessibility, we are your one stop shop for Section 508 compliance.